Well, I'm sure you guys have been waiting for a post from me since I announced that we were having a

So far, Mason is doing great. He started off on the small side, 6 pounds and 20 inches, but he's gaining weight well. He's averaged about 2 pounds a month, he is now over 10 1/2 pounds. He's below average on the weight, but average in length (23 inches) and head circumference. My pediatrician informed me that some babies are just on the skinny side and that most women formula feed so their babies tend to be bigger.
He started smiling around 5 weeks, but didn't do it often. Now, he smiles every morning when wake he wakes us up and he smiles just about any time he sees me. By the way, he started sleeping 7 hours a night at 5 weeks, and now he sleeps about 8 hours a night. I would like to say that I trained him and whipped him into shape, but he really did it all on his own. The only thing that I really control, is I don't go longer than 3 hours without feeding him, and I make sure he gets a full feeding when he seems hungry. I don't encourage short feedings by feeding him every time he gets fussy. But, he makes it pretty easy on me. He takes the pacifer, switches from breast to bottle with the greatest of ease, and doesn't cry that often. He even slept through his circumcision in the hospital and falls asleep after his vaccination shots.
It's so weird because, it feels like he's been around forever, and yet at the same time, it feels like he's growing up so fast. I love our life with little Mason, and even though it wasn't that long ago, I can't imagine life without him. Before he was born I was worried about all the life changes that I would have to go through to take care of him, but I don't feel burdened by him at all. I love nursing him, changing his diaper, and easing his fussiness. In fact, a couple of weeks ago, I had a little stomach bug and I didn't want to get him sick, so I pumped milk for him and let my mother-in-law take care of him. Even though he wasn't far away, I missed him. I couldn't wait until I felt better so I could nurse him and rock him to sleep again.
So, I promise to keep you guys posted on Mason's progress by updating my blog. I enjoy reading everyone else's so it would be wrong to rob you guys of reading mine, right?